Home Forums WordPress Plugins Reply via email not working on mobile or web

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    • #27437

      Hi Vinny, I’ve been able to get the reply via email plugin working on my site using a dedicated gmail for rbe and webhook via my server’s cron. It works perfectly when replying via my email setup on desktop outlook or thunderbird clients.

      However, when trying via gmail web or mobile through any app (gmail, samsung mail, zoho) it just doesn’t post for some reason, I can see the messages coming through to the gmail rbe account for processing and they end up with the bbpnns_rbe_processed label but the webhook just shows no messages to process and nothing ends up posted on the forum. Have you had this problem with mobile or web email interfaces before?

    • #27438

      Did some more testing and was able to get it posting to the forum via web gmail and zoho by setting the reply to plain text. It won’t post to the forum otherwise no matter the plugin settings with allow html. Problem is I can’t find a mobile email app that allows sending via plain text, the samsung mail app allows switching off rich text but that doesn’t seem to work either.

      I’ve noticed just after sending a html email the webhook cron link says it had a critical error and I get this new entry in the wordpress error log, differs slightly depending on which client I am sending through:

      [04-Jul-2021 14:10:06 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Html2Text\Html2Text::getText() in /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpnns-reply-by-email/includes/dal/mail_dao.class.php:1126
      Stack trace:
      #0 /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpnns-reply-by-email/includes/dal/mail_dao.class.php(604): BbpnnsReplyByEmail_DAL_Mail_Dao->extract_html(‘<body>\n <p>t…’, ‘[email protected]’, ‘windows-1252’)
      #1 /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpnns-reply-by-email/includes/controller/check_mail.class.php(75): BbpnnsReplyByEmail_DAL_Mail_Dao->process_messages(Array)
      #2 /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(292): BbpnnsReplyByEmail_Controller_Check_Mail->check_mail(true)
      #3 /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(316): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array)
      #4 /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(484): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
      #5 /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpnns-reply-by-email/includes/controller/webhook.class.php(70): do_action(‘bbpnnsreply in /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpnns-reply-by-email/includes/dal/mail_dao.class.php on line 1126

      [04-Jul-2021 14:23:49 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Html2Text\Html2Text::getText() in /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpnns-reply-by-email/includes/dal/mail_dao.class.php:1126
      Stack trace:
      #0 /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpnns-reply-by-email/includes/dal/mail_dao.class.php(604): BbpnnsReplyByEmail_DAL_Mail_Dao->extract_html(‘<body><div dir=…’, ‘[email protected]…’, ‘UTF-8’)
      #1 /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpnns-reply-by-email/includes/controller/check_mail.class.php(75): BbpnnsReplyByEmail_DAL_Mail_Dao->process_messages(Array)
      #2 /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(292): BbpnnsReplyByEmail_Controller_Check_Mail->check_mail(true)
      #3 /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(316): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array)
      #4 /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(484): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
      #5 /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpnns-reply-by-email/includes/controller/webhook.class.php(70): do_action(‘bbpnnsreplybye in /home/anzccpor/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpnns-reply-by-email/includes/dal/mail_dao.class.php on line 1126

    • #27443

      Thanks for reporting this. I’ll release an emergency fix later today.

    • #27449

      I can’t replicate the issue locally. Can you please try re-downloading and reinstalling the plugin? If you have access to SSH and wp-cli, you can try running this:

      cd /path/to/wp-content/plugins/bbpnns-reply-by-email/includes/vendor;
      wp eval 'require("autoload.php"); use \Html2Text\Html2Text; echo (new \Html2Text\Html2Text("<p>Foo</p>"))->getText();'

      You should get a simple ‘Foo’ (no quotes) out. Please let me know if you don’t.

    • #27453

      Thanks for your help Vinny, unfortunately I am unable to install wp-cli on this server as it’s shared hosting and I don’t have sufficient privileges.

      I originally thought it may have been due to a plugin conflict with some of my other bbpress or security plugins, deactivating them all last time didn’t seem to solve the issue but after your recent reply I thought it may be my newsletter plugin Mailpoet and deactivating that did seem to do the trick, it now works as intended on mobile and for html. Have you seen this problem before? It may be because I’m using the host to send the newsletter emails and not a dedicated sending service.

    • #27455

      Out of curiosity, where are you hosting?

      The problem you reported was happening when RBE read the email to convert into a reply. Because you probably didn’t allow HTML messages, it was trying to convert the HTML email into plain text. That uses the HTML2Text library. The error message lead me to believe that HTML2Text didn’t get bundled with the plugin release, but it wasn’t the case when I checked the bundle itself.

      But I’m glad it’s working now. I’ll close the ticket as resolved.


    • #27456

      Thanks Vinny, I’m using VentraIP for hosting.

    • #27457

      I have a client who was on VentraIP. She ended up switching to Cloudways. I strongly recommend it, and it’s what I use for my own hosting clients as well.


    • #27461

      Thanks I’ll give them a go when the current plan runs out shortly.

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