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Hi rgueron,

Sorry for the delay. I’ve been working on it and am close to completing. Note that I’m adding more functionality, and it also has to work with the bridge add-ons, so it’s not a simple task.

I’m hoping to have it ready some time next week, but it’s really coming out great.

New features:

  1. A stand-alone settings screen, where admins can select the default notifications options for new users:
    Blocking Options

    And the default opt-out link behaviour:

  2. Users will also be able to control those 2 options in their profile screens:
    Profile Options

I’m still working on the following:

  • Adjusting the opt-out link behaviour to handle the new options;
  • Create the new interface to allow the user to block all or deselect their subscriptions;
  • Change the bridge plugins to play nicely with these new options.

I’ll update this thread when I’ve released the changes.
