bbPNNS/bbPress Moderation Add-On

A partir de: R$ 79,42 / ano

bbPress Moderation Add-On is a bridge between bbPress Notify (No-Spam) and bbPress Moderation, and currently depends on both to work properly. Admins can set it so that Moderators (and optionally themselves) receive notifications of Pending topics and replies.



bbPNNS/bbPress Moderation Add-On extends bbPress’ core moderation features as well as the bbPress Moderation Plugin with the functionality of sending e-mails to Moderators and admins.


  1. Allow Moderators and optionally Admins to receive notifications of Pending topics and replies.
  2. Notifications are flagged [Moderate] in the start of the subject line.
  3. Moderators and Admins get a link to the pending topic/reply at the bottom of the message so they can easily approve it.


  1. Purchase and download the file.
  2. Go to Admin -> Plugins -> Add New -> Upload File
  3. Upload the zip file and activate it
  4. Go to bbPress Notify (No-Spam) > Settings > Moderation Tab
  5. Check the boxes for the recipients that you want to enable.



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