Home Fóruns WordPress Plugins Reply By Email not working


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    • #30622
      Bobby Lee

      Hi – qq: what version # is Reply By Email on now?

      We installed Reply By Email last year, but only recently found out it doesn’t seem to be working. The gmail account I had setup has a bunch of unread messages in there.

      I recently updated our settings to use the App Password with Gmail. The connection tested OK. In the support panel, the log shows that the job is running, but no messages are being processed.

      I thought I’d start with checking the version #. Ours is 2.7.2, but in WordPress there isn’t an option to install updates.

      Any other things I should be looking into?

    • #30624

      Hi Bobby Lee,

      Thanks for reaching out. 2.7.2 is the latest version.

      How is your RBE configured to run? Webhook or WP cron? If it’s via the webhook, did you set it up to be called every so often by a real cron job?

      The best way to test RBE is to make sure that it is set to use the Webhook, then open the webhook URL in a separate tab. If you get a message that no new messages were processed, add the following piece to the URL: &force_recheck=1.


    • #30625
      Bobby Lee

      Hi Vinny thank you for the response. To your questions – We have had it configured by WP cron. I looked at setting up the Webhook via Zapier app, but it appears it requires a premium subscription? Thanks for the tip on force-recheck in the URL.

      As for current issue status – we are still not working correctly, I’m seeing a couple symptoms. Anything else to check? Could these be related or separate issues?

      1. It appears since my first message to you, the RBE did run and processed many of our old email response; they have been moved from the Inbox to the bbpns_rbe_processed tag. However, they did not get posted as replies to the forum site.

      2. There is 1 email unread still in my RBE inbox left unprocessed. The log has the following message regarding this entry:

      [17/11/2023 17:28:30] Could not find one of user_id or forum_id in the hashed data. Skipping message. Array
      [message] => Array
      [From] => First Last <[email protected]>
      [Subject] => Re: [Forums] New topic: ISO Individual
      [Date] => Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:27:13 -0600

      [data] => u0|f100002187|r0|t100002643

      Note: In the last 2 days I was trying different email address to process RBE, as well as the Sent By email address setting. Those have be reset to the previous settings.

      Thank you again for your help.

    • #30627

      Your host should offer real cron jobs. That’s the best place to configure the webhook calls (and the WP cron jobs as well, so you don’t have to wait for visitor traffic to trigger them).

      ‘u0’ means no user ID was identified.

      What version of bbPress Notify (No-Spam) are you using?

    • #30629
      Bobby Lee

      At the time of writing my previous comments, bbpnns version was 2.18.1. (I have today updated to 2.18.2).

    • #30632

      2.18.2 contains a fix that should also resolve the RBE issues you encountered. Do keep me posted.

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