Home Fóruns WordPress Plugins My site is no longer sending Digests

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    • #30855
      Dan Wassink

      My site is no longer sending digest. I am not sure when this happened, but I’d guess in the last couple weeks. Also, when I try to run a test, it just spins. I am using Cloudways Hosting, and this has also worked in the past. I then went and created a staging site and deiables all the plugins aside from ones I needed to have this work. Same issue.

      Any suggestions?

      Dan Wassink

    • #30856

      Hi Dan,

      There are a couple of things that could have happened. One common one is that the Digest’s cron job goes missing. I’m not sure why, but disabling/re-enabling the plugin usually fixes it. You can check if this is the case by following the steps outlined here: https://usestrict.net/bbpress-notify-no-spam-digests-documentation/#triggering-mailouts

      Now, when you say that using the Dry Run tool just makes it spin, that’s a bit harder to troubleshoot. If you open the browser inspector, you’ll see an error in the console. Most likely it’s a 500 error being thrown by the host. You should be able to find the message in the host’s error logs.

      Please let me know what you find.


    • #30860
      Dan Wassink

      It was missing the daily digests cron job. So I added it back in and also disabled and reenabled it. We will see over the next few days if that works. That’s the important issue. 😊

      With the test, I don’t see anything in the console. Am I in the right spot? (See screenshot).

      Thanks for getting back to me so quick!


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    • #30862

      The test should have populated the textarea with a LOT of output. If it’s just spinning, then please check the browser console for javascript or network errors.

      Let me know what you find.

    • #30865
      Dan Wassink

      Running into a bigger issue. When I enable the Digest, I can’t access WordPress Admin. Front end still works. I disabled all the plugins asid from your and BuddyBoos, same issue. Cloudways said it was a PHP Deprecated error? See screenshot. I really am not sure what I did, but it does this on the main site and staging site, but I also have it on another server outside of that, and it doesn’t crash when I access admin. Any suggestions?

      Dan Wassink

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      • #30871

        Hi Dan,

        Thanks for the error message screenshot. Digests is crashing because bbPress Notify (No-Spam) is either missing or disabled. Please install/enable it. It is the base plugin for all of the add-ons, which will not work without it.

        Let me know how it goes.

    • #30867
      Dan Wassink

      I recall where it went wrong. I was migrating from a Cloudways Flexible server to an Autonomous server using the Cloudways Migration Assistant, and the migration failed. Cloudways support took it over from there and finished it. After that, the new site worked, and the old site did not. But I want to use the old site (autonomous didn’t speed it up much). Is there a way I can wide the tables for this plugin and start over? Maybe the migration messed it up? 🤔

    • #30868
      Dan Wassink

      Crisis averted. Rolled back the database, and all is wel with the backend access. Still can’t access Test, but I will look at that later. Thanks!

    • #30869
      Dan Wassink

      I would still like to start over with the Digest plugin. I am having minor issues and I think it is related to me adding a cron job manually instead of letting the plugin do it. When I delete the cron job I added, it crashes (see screenshot). It might be easiest if I start over? Can you tell me which tables to remove? Thanks, and sorry abbot all the posts.

      Dan Wassink

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      • #30872

        If you deactivate and uninstall the Digests add-on, it will delete the table it creates as well as the cron jobs that it adds. But I still believe that the reason that it is crashing is the missing bbpnns plugin.

    • #30874
      Dan Wassink

      Crashing has been fixed, I accidently had that turned off, Oops!

      So deactivated the Dailies plugin, and deleted it to clear any tables. Reinstalled and activated it. It added the Weekly Digest and the Monthly Digest to the Cron Schedule. It did not add the Daily Digest. Any suggestions?

      Thanks again!

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    • #30877

      That’s odd. Please create a temporary admin account on a staging site for me so I can have a look. You can email me the credentials at vinny [at] usestrict [dot] net.

    • #30879
      Dan Wassink

      Account has been set. Check your email. Thanks!

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