Home Fóruns WordPress Plugins Can’t activate Memberpress Bridge

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    • #32687
      Dan Wassink

      I purchased the MemberPress Bridge and I can’t activate it. I get an API error. When I look at my account on the UsesStrict site, it shows it is activated, but on the site it says it isn’t, and it isn’t showing to my members. How can I activate it? Thanks!


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    • #32718

      Hi Dan,

      This is a known, random issue that we get with the plugin that I use to maintain the API keys.

      Please delete the activation in https://usestrict.net/my-account/api-keys, deactivate/reactivate the plugin on your site (don’t delete it), and try reactivating again.

      Sorry for the inconvenience.

    • #32746
      Dan Wassink

      That worked. Thanks!

      FYY: I did try while trying to troubleshoot it before contacting you and it didn’t work, but this time it worked. 😊

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