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    • #4715

      Hi, is there a way to set by default Daily digest at yes and receive notifications at no ?

      The turn off notifications is very confusing – it is like using 2 negative and all my users are confused so I would like to put that to no by default and I will hide this option.

      And what is the difference between Receive Notifications and Maintain Global Notifications ?
      Receive Notifications
      Do not notify me of global forum messages at all. This overrides Digests options. By checking this, you will no longer receive any emails or digests from global forum notifications.
      Forum Digest Preferences


    • #4717

      Hi Francoise,

      Hi, is there a way to set by default Daily digest at yes and receive notifications at no ?

      I’m not sure what you mean by “receive notifications at no”.

      Global Forum Notifications (provided by the Opt Out add-on) is probably the option that you are referring to that has the double negative. I’ll change it to something clearer.

      And what is the difference between Receive Notifications and Maintain Global Notifications ?

      Maintain Global Notifications is part of the Digests add-on. It is for when users want to be able to turn on Digests and still receive immediate notifications.

      I guess I can improve on that, too.

      I’ll try to get these changes out by the weekend of November 5th and 6th.


    • #4719

      Hi Vinny,

      Thank you for your answer. That will be much helpful if the vocabulary is more understandable for the user.

      To be more precise I would like that when a user register, it is automatically subscribed to the Daily Digest and does not receive anything else. So from my understand of your settings, the default settings for that would be :

      Receive Notifications No
      Forum Digest Preferences Daily
      Maintain Global Notifications No

      First: is those settings correct ?
      Second: is there a way to make them the default settings for every new user ?

      thank you,

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