Home Forums WordPress Plugins bbPress Notify (No Spam) – Opt Out Add-on

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    • #3161
      Stefan Jelev (Стефан Желев)

      Hi Vinny,

      I just bought the Opt Out add-on, but I cannot see where is the option to turn off notifications. I used both [opt-out-url-wp] and [opt-out-url-bbpress] and none seemed to work.

      [opt-out-url-wp] – I am using bbPress in combination with BuddyPress and this shortcode links to the BuddyPress profile page.
      [opt-out-url-bbpress] – When this is used, there are no any options in the user’s profile (non admin)

      Can you help me clear this out?


    • #3163

      Hi Stefan,

      Thanks for purchasing!

      BuddyPress, like MemberMouse and some other plugins override the default WP profile page. In that case, yes, you need to use [opt-out-url-bbpress]. The ‘Global Notifications’ section with the opt-out checkbox will appear when the user clicks on the ‘Edit’. This makes me think that perhaps I should redirect the user to the edit screen if they are logged in directly.

      Note, however, that none of this applies if the user is not part of one of the roles selected to be notified. In that case, the plugin effectively turns off for that user.

      Please let me know if you still have doubts.


    • #3165
      Stefan Jelev (Стефан Желев)

      Thank you for your explanation!

      Good luck!

    • #3170
      Stefan Jelev (Стефан Желев)

      Hi Vinny,

      I noticed that there is a new field called “Global Forum Notifications” in the BuddyPress member’s profile under Profile –> Forums –> Subscriptions (screenshot of this: http://goo.gl/XuxjvJ).

      Is there an easy way to add the opt-out check box there for those who want’t to stop receiving notifications?


    • #3172

      Hi Stefan,

      That section was added by the Opt-out plugin. There’s no easy way to add the opt-out checkbox there. The visitor will have to click on ‘Edit’ to see the checkbox. You can modify the text using the filters bbpnns_opt_out_status_in or bbpnns_opt_out_status_out. Perhaps you’d like to tell them to click ‘Edit’ (which they’ll only see if they’re logged in and looking at their own profile screen).


    • #3173
      Stefan Jelev (Стефан Желев)

      OK, thanks.
      I understand that adding this feature won’t be easy, but it really makes sense to be there, since the plugin adds this section in the BuddyPress profiles.

      One question: where is this “Edit” link, that you are talking about located?


    • #3176

      To see the ‘Edit’ link, you have to be logged in and in your own bbPress profile page (/forums/users/yourname/).

      bbPress Profile Screen

      To go there directly, hit /forums/users/yourname/edit/.

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