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Vinny – so here is the good news: adding the bridge does work, and now my members can select the digests option if they want to – great. Love it. now we’ll have to see if the digests actually get delivered…

Question: for the people who are already members – what happens to the choices they have already made? (on a per topic basis) – if they now choose digests, will this override their previous choices? or?

Also – do I have any way of determining what date or time of day those digests get delivered? I can’t find anything that indicates I do. (I’ll go back and read other people’s posts here to see if this is answered.)

Now – the not-so-good news is that no – I am not getting a notice when you update here. I do get a notice when I have responded to you that just shows me what I wrote, but nothing comes in when you have updated the conversation. I have checked off the “notify me of follow-up replies” box below – but still nothing.
